Write for Us - businessplanfinder.com

Write for Us

Business Plan Finder » Write for Us

Our platform is always open to new content creators with a flair for writing. Are you one of them and wish to showcase your unique grasp on the concepts of business, finance, and economy? Submit your guest post and get featured on our diversifying website as a promising individual, expert, or brand!

General Guidelines

  • We are looking for unique content that has been drafted without any sentence formats.
  • We believe in 100% human-created content. The words, narrative and overall take must be original and informative. We are looking for brand new work that has not been previously published on the internet.
  • We are not looking for promotional content. However, we encourage linking back to your own blog – the topic and tone must be formal and informative.
  • The word count requirement for a guest post is around 1200 words. The post must be highly structured and divided into headings and subheadings.
  • The post must contain SEO-friendly keywords, writing elements, and format.
  • The post must add to and enrich the literature on our website.
  • We are looking for detailed and in-depth content on topics of interest to the readers.
  • We will be editing, modifying, and adding to the guest post to make it suitable for our website. However, the rights to the original work are reserved for you as the guest poster.

Technical Guidelines

  • Your post must have at least one target keyword which has been used in the content significantly.
  • We are looking for new keywords and topics that have not been previously published on our website.
  • You need to send in a collaboration request to our website if you want to facilitate a do-follow tag on your links.
  • Provide references to websites, books, and research papers that back what you wish to say.
  • All quotes must have citations.
  • We don’t guest post with affiliate links.
  • We do not link to low-value websites or block content.
  • We encourage the writer to go through our blog and pick out relevant topics that can be interlinked with the guest post. However, doing this is completely optional and not a requirement for rejection or publication.
  • Our team has the right to request authors for certain edits to their content. Our team also reserves the final say in whether or not content will be published on our website and will reach readers through our blog platform.

Images and Data

  • We require three images as a part of the guest post. One header image and two images for the content body must be included with the write-up.
  • Guest posters can include alt tags and image descriptions to make the content more inclusive for our readers.
  • We also encourage linking multimedia from other sources, such as YouTube and social media extra, as long as it is relevant.
  • References and image links must be provided for all images.
  • Additionally, we need tables of primary or secondary data presented in the form of graphs, charts, or infographics wherever required.
  • Social media images must contain voluntary permission issued by the account owner or admin that they wish to participate in the content of our blog.



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